How to Update to the Latest Version?

Updating StartupKit to the Latest Version

 If you are updating from the older version to the latest follow the following steps-

  • First, keep a full backup. 
  • Download the latest version from codecanyon.
  • On the downloaded folder, you will find a zip file called
  • Replace all files from this folder with your current folder. If you use cpanel, you can directly unzip the in the cpanel. 

Updating database:

In most updates we need to add new tables or columns, therefore, you will have to update the database also.

Steps are below

  1. First, login to your super admin portal.
  2. Rewrite the url to your super admin url/ update-schema. For example,  your url/super-admin/update-schema
  3. Click enter  

Now the database should be updated. 

Important Notice: Always keep a backup of previous files and database before you update. It's a good practice.

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