How do I Install CloudOnex Business Suite Manually?

To install the business suite, you only need to create a config file and import the primary database.

  1. Download the Software: Obtain the latest version of CloudOnex Business Suite from your profile.
  2. Upload the Software to Your Server: Upload the downloaded files to your web server. You can upload via FTP or a hosting panel's File Manager. Upload the zip copy using the file manager and unzip it directly on your server.
  3. Create a Database: You can create a new database and database user through your hosting panel. 
  4. Create the config file: Rename the file system/config.sample.php to system/config.php and update the config file with your MySQL database info and application URL. You must use https with the URL. 
  5. Import the Database: Import the database using phpMyAdmin or any other tools. The primary database file is located in- install/primary.sql

Now visit the URL. You should see the login screen. The default username and password are: [email protected]/123456

If you see empty screen or blank 500 error, enable Dev mode on the config file. Edit the system/config.php and set app state 'Live' to 'Dev', then browse the URL again, and you should see an error message.

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