Focus SaaS changelog version 2.5.3 (January 23, 2023)
Happy New Year guys! Rediscover yourself in 2023 with focus.
- Added an option to write whatever you want text block in five minute journal so that user have a room to dump all their thoughts and make themselves free from running thoughts.
- Fixed currency issue.
Focus SaaS changelog version 2.5.2 (December 22, 2022)
- Added an option in the settings to be able to update the favicon of the website. To update the favicon, go to settings and upload the favicon.
- Added ideation canvas.
- Added an option for users to change the theme color.
- Added a quote block on top of the quotes list page.
Focus SaaS changelog version 2.5 (November 12, 2022)
The new year is approaching, it's a great time to measure the progress of the year and create fresh new goals for the coming year. Besides, It's also a great time to offer services that inspire to be the best version of people. We at CloudOnex love productivity tools as we saw huge results when we use a system to measure our productivity. Hence, we created focus so that it becomes easy and enjoyable to use a productivity app. Therefore, with each phenomenal update we are taking the software to the next level.
Lets see what has been added and improved to this update.
- Added Terms and Conditions Page. To add a Terms and Condition page login to the super admin portal and click on Frontend on the left navigation and the choose Terms and Conditions and click on the icon button. After clicking on the button it will open a side modal where you can write your terms and conditions.

- Added Cookie Policy Page. To add a Cookie Policy page follow the same instruction and click on cookie policy.

- Added an option in the settings to change the front-end language. To change the language of the landing page do the following.
- Login to your super admin portal.
- Go to settings
- Select a language from the available language from the drop-down of the select field of Landing Page Language.
- Added Portuguese Language file. Thanks to Justino Mandlate for contributing the language file.
- Improved user interface.
- Fixed minor bugs and improved overall performance.